مخفف های مرتبط در حوزه ایمنی و بهداشت

1 - HSE - Health Safety Environment
2 - PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
3 - ANST - American National Standard Institute
4 - NFPA - National Fire Protection Association
5 - OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
6 - IOSH - International Occupational Safety and Health
7 - NEBOSH - National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health
8 - ISO - International Standard Organization
9 - PM - Particulate Matter
10 - AIES - All Institute of Engineering and Safety
11 - AISE - Advance Institute of Safety Engineering
12 - OSHAS - Occupational Safety and Health Assessment Series
13 - OH & SMS - Occupational Health and Safety Management System
14 - CFR - Code of Federal Regulation
15 - APR - Air Purifying Respirator
16 - ASR - Air Supplying Respirator
17 - SCBA - Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
18 - SCUBA - Self Contained Under Water Breathing the Apparatus
19 - PFAS - Personal Fall Arrest System
20 - P - Pull the Pin
A - Aim Base of the Fire
S - Square the Trigger 
S - Swipe Side by Side
21 - R - Rescue 
A - Alarm
C - Confined
E - Extinguished
22 - DCP - Dry Chemical Powder
23 - CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
24 - LPG - Liquid Petroleum Gas
25 - LNG - Liquidfied Natural Gas
26 - FFE - Fire Fighting Equipment
27 - WSC - World Safety Council
28 - FEE - Fire Extinguisher Equipment
29 - CNG - Compressed Natural Gas
30 - AFFF - Aqueous Film Forming Foam
31 - GFCI - Ground Fault Circuit Instructor
32 - CS - Confined Space
33 - ELCB - Earth Licase Circuit Breaker
34 - MCB - Minimise Circuit Breaker
35 - NSC - National Safety Council
36 - NACO - National AIDS Control Organization
37 - SOP - Safe Operating Procedure
38 - HAZCOM - Hazardous Communication
39 - RPE - Respiratory Protective Equipment
40 - HAZOP - Hazardous Operability
41 - FSC - Fire Safety Co-ordination
42 - H2S - Hydrogen Sulphide
43 - SO2 - Sulphur Dioxide
44 - IDLH - Immediately Danger to Life and Health
45 - STEL - Short Term Exposure Limit
46 - LEL - Lower Explosive Limit
47 - PEL - Permissible Explosive Limit
48 - UEL - Upper Explosive Limit
49 - OEL - Occupational Explosive Limit
50 - HAZWOPER - Hazardous Waste Operability and Emergency Recovery
51 - CPR - Cardio Pulmonary Respiration
52 - PPM - Part Per Million
53 - TLV - Threshold Limit Value
54 - SWP - Safety Work Permit
55 - PTW - Permit to Work
56 - ECO - Echo Control Officer
57 - WDO - Waste Disposal Officer
58 - ALARP - As Low As Reasonably Practical
59 - HWP - Hard Work Permit
60 - CWP - Cold Work Permit
61 - VEWP - Vehicle Entry Work Permit 
62 - EIWP - Electrical Isolation Work Permit
63 - BP - Blancket Permit
64 - EMS - Emergency Management System
65 - EP - Excavation Permit
66 - LWP - Lifting Work Permit
67 - SWP - Safety Working Process
68 - SWL - Safe Working Load
69 - EHO - Environment Health Officer
70 - FPS - Fall protection System
71 - FPR - Fall Protection Required
72 - WRS - Wire Rope Sling
73 - SWS - Synthetic Web Sling
74 - SLC - Sling Load Capacity
75 - SLI - Safe Load Indicator
76 - LOTO - Lock Out and Tag Out
77 - HIRA - Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
78 - JSA - Job Safety Analysis
79 - JHA - Job Hazard Analysis
80 - JRA - Job Risk Analysis
81 - WPA - Work Permit Authorization
82 - WPC - Work Permit Control
83 - GK - Gas Kit
84 - GM - Gas Monitor
85 - PH - Potential Hazard
86 - TPI - Third Party Inspection
87 - ACB - Air Circuit Breaker
88 - ZAP - Zero Accident Performance
89 - WMITAB - Waste Management Industry Training Advisory Board
90 - MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet
91 - AEP - Authorized Electrical Person
92 - STP - Sewage Treatment Plant
93 - WPA - Work Permit Application
94 - NBC - National Building Code
95 - PRC - Preparation Reinstatement Certificate
96 - BLEVE - Boiling Liquid Expending Vapour Explosion
97 - COSHH - Control of Substance Hazardous to Heat
98 - LTFR - Lost Time Frequency Rate
99 - LMRA - Last Minute Risk Assessment
100 - CAZ - Control6 Access Zone
101 - WPV - Work Permit Validity
102 - EWO - Engineering Work Order

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۳۱ مشارکت کننده
مطالب مفید، کار در ارتفاع، ایمنی جرثقیل، برق، بهداشت
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